Cleaner Greener Production Programme (CGPP) Business Case Studies 2008-2012

Year: 2012

This publication highlights case studies from the EPA-supported Cleaner Greener Production programme from 2008-2012.

CCRP 9 thumbnail

Ireland Adapts to Climate Change

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 9, January 2012

Year: 2012

CCRP Report 9 - Tara Shine and Margaret Desmond

CCRP 14 thumbnail

CCRP 14: Strategy Guide on Climate Change Implications and Strategies for the Community Sector

Year: 2012

Strategy Guide on Climate Change Implications and Strategies for the Community Sector

CCRP 8 thumbnail

Earth Observation Strategy for Ireland

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 8, January 2012

Year: 2012

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 8

STRIVE 90 Final Report thumbnail

Final Report: Integrated Biodiversity Impact Assessment, Streamlining AA, SEA and EIA Processes. Best Practice Guidance.

Final Report for project 2010-B-DS-4, January 2012

Year: 2012

The IBIA guidance aims at informing practitioners, plan/project proponents and consent authorities in integrating the requirements of SEA, EIA and AA in order to streamline biodiversity considerations. IBIA should not be seen as a replacement of existing processes but rather as a framework for coordinating them and for promoting best practice in biodiversity impact assessment.

CCRP 10 thumbnail

Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Sectoral Policies in Ireland

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 10, January 2012

Year: 2012

CCRP Report 10 - Margaret Desmond and Tara Shine

CCRP 15 thumbnail

Carbon Restore –The Potential of Restored Irish Peatlands for Carbon Uptake and Storage

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 15, January 2012

Year: 2012

CCRP Report 15 - David Wilson, Florence Renou-Wilson, Catherine Farrell, Craig Bullockand Christoph Müller

Hydraulic Fracturing or ‘Fracking’

A Short Summary of Current Knowledge and Potential Environmental Impacts, January 2012

Year: 2012

EPA-STRIVE Small Scale Study Report by David Healy, University of Aberdeen.

STRIVE Report 69 thumbnail

Evaluating the Ecological Impacts of Cultivating Genetically Modified Herbicide-Tolerant (GMHT) Oilseed Rape and Maize

Final Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2007-B-DS-1-S1, July 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE Report 69 - Ewen Mullins and Marcus J. Collier

STRIVE Report 80 thumbnail

Freshwater Biodiversity in the Irish Agricultural Landscape: The Significance of Ponds

Final Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2007-FS-B-14-M5, July 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE Report 80 - Margherita Gioria, School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin

STRIVE Report 68 thumbnail


Synthesis Report for project 2005-CD-B2-M1, July 2011

Year: 2011

Biodiversity and Environmental Change: An Integrated Study Encompassing a Range of Scales, Taxa and Habitats

Summary of Findings - BioChange

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 68 (Biodiversity and Environmental Change: An Integrated Study Encompassing a Range of Scales, Taxa and Habitats), July 2011

Year: 2011

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 68

Summary of Findings - Air Pollution in Cork Harbour, Ireland: Environmental Linkages of In-Port Ship Emissions

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 71, July 2011

Year: 2011

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 71

STRIVE Report 71 thumbnail

Composition and Sources of Particulate Air Pollution in a Port Environment, Cork, Ireland

Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2006-EH-MS-49, July 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE Report 71 - Ian P. O’Connor

Summary of Findings - Studies of the Chemical Composition and Toxicity of Airborne Fine Particles in Cork’s Mid-Harbour

Authors: Ian P. O’Connor, David A. Healy, Arnaud Allanic, Stig Hellebust, Jennifer M. Bell, Siobhan Cashman and John R. Sodeau. Lead Organisation: University College Cork , July 2011

Year: 2011

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 85

STRIVE Report 66 thumbnail

Nutrient and Ecosystem Dynamics in Ireland’s Only Marine Nature Reserve (NEIDIN)

Final Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2007-FS-B-4-M5, June 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE Report 66 - Mark Jessopp, Rob McAllen, John O’Halloran and Tom Kelly

STRIVE Report 85

Studies of the Chemical Composition and Toxicity of Airborne Fine Particles in Cork’s Mid-Harbour

Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2008-EH-DS-I-S3, June 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE Report 85 - I.P. O’Connor, D.A. Healy, A. Allanic, S.Hellebust,J.M. Bell,S.Cashman, J.Sodeau

STRIVE Report 73 thumbnail

Development of the National Invasive Species Database

Final Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2009-B-DS-3-S1, June 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE Report 73 - Ms. Colette O’ Flynn, Dr. Liam Lysaght

EPA Cleaner Greener Production Programme: Experiences, Impacts and Outcomes for Participant Organisation

CGPP Report - Dr Rachel Hilliard, Dr Suchitra Pal and Valerie Parker, February 2011

Year: 2011

CGPP report - EPA Cleaner Greener Production Programme: Experiences, Impacts and Outcomes for Participant Organisations. Authors: Dr Rachel Hilliard, Dr Suchitra Pal and Valerie Parker, Centre for Innovation & Structural Change NUI Galway.

ERC 17: A Review of Groundwater Levels in the South-East of Ireland

Authors: Katie Tedd, Bruce Misstear, Catherine Coxon, Donal Daly, Taly Hunter Williams, Matthew Craig and Anthony Mannix, January 2011

Year: 2011

Review of Groundwater Level Data in the South Eastern River Basin District
