Achieving a Greenhouse Gas Neutral Ireland

Summary: This paper provides an analytical framework for integrated cross-sectoral analyses of a range of scenarios and options to achieve such a goal. This analysis will be linked to ongoing development of analysis to meet existing and likely future targets on GHG emissions and to explore options for achieving significant reductions in GHG emissions in a cost effective and sustainable manner.

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2009

Pages: 12

Filesize: 81 KB

Format: pdf


The Climate Change Research Programme aims to provide, in a timely manner, research examining the nature, costs and benefits of ambitious mitigation targets in order to inform long-term planning and policy development. The National Climate Change Strategy 2007 identified the provision of a scientific basis for achievement of a sustainable greenhouse gas emissions profile for Ireland as a key research objective. This objective has been further defined as GHG neutrality by 2050.

This provides an analytical framework for integrated cross-sectoral analyses of a range of scenarios and options to achieve such a goal. This analysis will be linked to ongoing development of analysis to meet existing and likely future targets on GHG emissions and to explore options for achieving significant reductions in GHG emissions in a cost effective and sustainable manner.

The research programme will explore options to achieve GHG neutrality across all sectors and potentials for trade-offs between sectors. This will require development of analysis and integration tools as well as close coordination of research across key sectors such as energy, transport and agriculture in order to assess potentials for achievement of neutrality by 2050.

It will utilise a range of scenarios to explore the use of sinks, technologies, socio-economic options as well as structures and mechanisms that exist at regional and global level to reduce emissions of GHG.

The competitiveness effects of ambitious targets will also be analysed in the context of emerging international agreements and compared to the costs and benefits of actions in competitor countries. Opportunities for Ireland arising from investments and actions in development of markets and competitive advantage will also be identified.