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Science-2-Policy Seminar Reflections Paper

EPA Environmental Science to Policy Seminar 2022 - Seminar Reflections Paper

Year: 2023

The EPA organised an inaugural Environmental Science to Policy Seminar in October 2022. Its objective was to explore how best to improve the delivery of evidence and knowledge to the policymaking system. The event brought together policymakers, knowledge transfer practitioners and scientists from across government and academia to share experiences on the issues, constraints, good practices and ways forward. This Seminar Reflections Paper captures the key themes and recommendations that emerged during the seminar, to support and inform the national Science to Policy agenda.

Photograph image 2023

EPA Researchers Awards 2023 Photograph Winner

Pollen over Dublin City: Urban Exposure , May 2023

Year: 2023

Ireland has one of the highest incidents rates of asthma in the world with 80% of Irish asthmatics also possessing pollen allergies. Therefore, airborne pollen represents and immediate respiratory risk to the Irish public, especially for those in urban areas. The Irish monitoring network has only very recently commenced tracking the airborne pollen. Previously only broad inaccurate forecasts made in the UK were available. This entry represents the hard work that has gone into establishing a pollen monitoring network. The image was taken atop the Met Éireann facility, showing a pollen catkin against the city back-drop, with O’Connell tower seen piercing the sky. The image was taken on the day the first pollen sampler was installed there. Since then, we have continued to monitor pollen in Dublin and at several other sites with the hopes of continuing and improving the network and sharing results with those that need it.

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EPA Researchers Awards 2023 Infographic Winner

CATAPULT Survey Infographics, May 2023

Year: 2023

Details of a unique survey questioning 15 – 18 year olds in Galway city and Galway county schools on their experiences of climate change and the climate crisis. Survey undertaken not only in Ireland but in three other European countries, UK, Finland and Italy also with nearly 2000 young people aged between 15 – 18 years of age participating. One of the outcomes of this online survey was generation of baseline data set for Focus Groups, Interviews and Narrative Workshops. Another outcome of the survey to inform stakeholders and policy makers, and facilitate in the production of a Climate Change Education Toolkit and resources for both formal and informal educational settings.

EPA Publication Cover

EPA Researchers Awards 2022 Submission Form

Year: 2023

Please download and fully complete this form. The form must be sent as an attachment with all submissions to the EPA Researchers Awards 2022 for the submission to be valid.

Kelp res infographic

Kelp forest infographic designed for KelpRes outreach.

Illustration by Luczo Illustrative Designs, July 2022

Year: 2022

EPA Publication Cover

Evidence Synthesis Report 1: A Signpost for Soil Policy in Ireland Infographic

Authors: Maria McNamara, Hannah Binner, Eric Hynes and Luisa Andrade, June 2022

Year: 2022

This study aimed to generate an accessible evidence base to support the development of new policy on soil and to enable Ireland to meet its commitments to both national and EU soil strategies.

Photograph winner thumbnail

The Essence of PIER

Winner of the EPA Researchers Awards 2021 Best Photograph, March 2022

Year: 2022

Overall Collage- Alexandra Chueiri, Pollution Photo- Blathnaid Mahon, Swimmer Photo- Aengus McMahon d. Beach Photo- Liam Burke

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There’s Something about Ammonia

Winner of the EPA Researchers Awards 2021 Best Infographic, March 2022

Year: 2022

Illustrations by Nathan T. Wright. Story by David B. Kelleghan and Thomas P. Curran. This is an output produced by UCD, arising from the EPA-funded research project "Assessment of the Impact of Ammonia Emissions from Intensive Agriculture Installations on Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas" under the EPA Research Programme 2014-2020. Translated into 16 languages by COST-Action program and numerous volunteers.
