Guidance on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Statements and Monitoring

Summary: This report is an update of the previous stand-alone guidance document on SEA Statements and monitoring, prepared as part of the EPA-funded project Second Review of SEA Effectiveness in Ireland (González et al., 2020). It is specific to the Irish context but has wider international applicability. The monitoring recommendations include guidance on indicators to facilitate a more consistent and coherent approach at this SEA stage. The updates relate to clarifying some SEA monitoring requirements and to acknowledge the published revised national SEA Guidelines and the Development Plan Guidelines for Planning authorities, both published by the DHLGH in 2022.

Guidance on SEA Statements and Monitoring image

Published: 2023

ISBN: 978-1-80009-093-4

Pages: 44

Filesize: 1,555 KB

Format: pdf


Guidance Document

This report is based on the EPA-funded project Second Review of Strategic Environmental Assessment Effectiveness in Ireland (González et al., 2020). The original report was included, as an appendix, in the report findings of this project and has been extracted and now updated into a stand along guidance document. It is specific to the Irish context but has wider international applicability. The monitoring recommendations include guidance on indicators to facilitate a more consistent and coherent approach at this SEA stage.


In the main body of the text under the ‘SEA Monitoring’ Heading, in the first paragraph can you delete this part in bold strikethrough please.

In Ireland, national legislation puts the onus for SEA monitoring on the plan-making authorities, requiring that they monitor the significant environmental effects of their plans/programmes. However, national legislation does not assign any third-party authority oversight or enforcement functions in relation to SEA monitoring

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