National Centre for Water and Wastewater Research and Demonstration

STRIVE Report 78: Treatment and monitoring of nutrients, odour and sludge at a small-town demonstration wastewater treatment system

Summary: STRIVE Report 78-Edmond O’Reilly, Eoghan Clifford, Michael Rodgers and Padraic O’Donoghue. Lead Organisation: National University of Ireland Galway

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2011

ISBN: 978-1-84095-408-1

Pages: 79

Filesize: 877 KB

Format: pdf


Decentralised wastewater treatment systems for small towns (200 – 2,000 PE) often have different design requirements to those of systems for larger conurbations even though the treatment process technologies may be similar. For example, additional design requirements at decentralised small systems may include: (i) flow balancing; (ii) long-term on-site sludge storage; and (iii) infrequent supervision and remote monitoring. To meet the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive, wastewater treatment systems for small towns should: (i) be simple, sustainable and robust, and cheap to construct and operate; (ii) reduce fats, oils and greases; (iii) remove organic carbon, nutrients (N and P) and solids; (iv) decrease microorganisms; (v) treat resultant sludges on-site or locally; and (vi) be monitored and controlled remotely. The NUI Galway/EPA WRF was created to assess and develop such wastewater treatment systems for small-towns.

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