Authors: Carmel Breslin, Gillian Collins, Tara Barwa and Daniele Alves, March 2025
Year: 2025
Biofuels, including fatty acid methyl ester (FAME)-based biodiesels, have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our transport sector. However, as these FAME-based biodiesels have become more common, challenges related to storage issues have emerged. FAME is not compatible with all materials, and corrosion issues have been reported during longer-term storage. This evidence synthesis research examines the properties of FAME-based biodiesels, the nature of corrosion reactions associated with these biofuels, the potential risk of corrosion and how to mitigate the risk. The report provides guidance on the general protocols to follow when managing and storing FAME-based biodiesels to mitigate corrosion risks.
Authors: Eamon Haughey, David Styles, Matthew Saunders, Ruth Bennett Coady and James Moran, March 2023
Year: 2023
Land use in Ireland is dominated by grasslands, with significant areas of forestry and wetland, which are not distributed evenly across the country. Changes to Irelands climate have already been observed and are projected to increase over the coming decades, impacting the land system. AFOLU in Ireland is a substantial GHG source and achieving net-zero GHG emissions targets for the sector by 2050 will be very challenging. Measures considered in this report include afforestation, peatland restoration and optimised livestock production. Land based climate mitigation measures may result in trade-offs for biodiversity and water quality, the avoidance of which require an integrated approach to land management.
Authors: Eamon Haughey, David Styles, Matthew Saunders, Ruth Bennett Coady and James Moran, March 2023
Year: 2023
Land use in Ireland is dominated by grasslands, with significant areas of forestry and wetland, which are not distributed evenly across the country. Changes to Irelands climate have already been observed and are projected to increase over the coming decades, impacting the land system. AFOLU in Ireland is a substantial GHG source and achieving net-zero GHG emissions targets for the sector by 2050 will be very challenging. Measures considered in this report include afforestation, peatland restoration and optimised livestock production. Land based climate mitigation measures may result in trade-offs for biodiversity and water quality, the avoidance of which require an integrated approach to land management.
Authors: Kevin O’Connor, James Gaffey, Elizabeth Gavin, Jane Stout and Nicholas M. Holden, February 2023
Year: 2023
This report provides an outlook for Ireland’s circular bioeconomy for the period 2030–2050, highlighting the potential to create economic, environmental and social opportunities for new biobased innovations.
Authors: Maria McNamara, Hannah Binner, Eric Hynes and Luisa Andrade, June 2022
Year: 2022
This study aimed to generate an accessible evidence base to support the development of new policy on soil and to enable Ireland to meet its commitments to both national and EU soil strategies.