Authors: Kevin O’Connor, James Gaffey, Elizabeth Gavin, Jane Stout and Nicholas M. Holden
Summary: This report provides an outlook for Ireland’s circular bioeconomy for the period 2030–2050, highlighting the potential to create economic, environmental and social opportunities for new biobased innovations.
This report provides an outlook for Ireland’s circular bioeconomy for the period 2030–2050, highlighting the potential to create economic, environmental and social opportunities for new biobased innovations. We report on bioeconomy best practice internationally to show how Ireland can benefit from others and tailor the learning to develop a bioeconomy fit for Ireland now and in the future. The circular bioeconomy has the potential to address major interrelated societal challenges, such as climate change, sustainable food production, biodiversity loss, and the production of biobased materials, biobased chemicals and biobased energy, to help support a modern sustainable society.