Latest Previous Strategy Documents

in: Research EPA Research Reports
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EPA Research Strategy 2030 - Discussion Document

Year: 2020

This Discussion Document is the basis for the first phase of the Consultation Process where feedback / comments are sought on the proposed directions of the new EPA Research Strategy.

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Interim Review of the 2014-2020 EPA Research Programme

Year: 2019

This independent review examines the performance to date of the EPA’s 2014-2020 Research Programme.

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Sustainability - EPA Research Strategy 2014-2020

Year: 2014

The environment is a strategic and valuable asset for Ireland which must be protected and proactively managed to ensure it forms the basis for a healthy society and our economic wellbeing.

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Water - EPA Research Strategy 2014-2020

Year: 2014

Ireland’s waters are one of our major natural resources. Plentiful availability of good quality water offers a significant competitive advantage to sectors such as agriculture, industry and tourism. Water is a resource that must be carefully managed, and improving water quality status is a national priority for Ireland.

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Climate - EPA Research Strategy 2014-2020

Year: 2014

Climate change remains an unresolved collective challenge. Actions to address its causes and consequences are needed. These actions can also give rise to major societal benefits and development opportunities. The 2014-2020 period is central to advancing actions on climate change.

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EPA Research Strategy 2014-2020

Using knowledge to protect and improve our natural environment and human health, June 2014

Year: 2014

This document outlines the strategy for the next 6 years of the EPA's research programme from 2014-2020 under the 3 key pillar areas of Climate, Water and Sustainability.

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Environmental Protection through Research

Year: 2012

Identifying Pressures :: Informing Policy :: Developing Solutions

Sustainable Environment Research in Ireland Brochure thumbnail

Sustainable Environment Research in Ireland

Year: 2012

A review of EPA research funding in the Sustainable Environment area.

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Review of STRIVE Research Programme

Authors: PA Consulting Group, September 2012

Year: 2012

This independent review of the STRIVE Research Programme was conducted by PA Consulting Group