Latest Small-scale studies and other commissioned research reports

in: Research EPA Research Reports
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Gap analysis of research needs to understand the environmental dimension of antimicrobial resistance in preparation for iNAP2

Authors: Niamh Cahill, Dearbháile Morris, Finola Leonard, Fiona Walsh, December 2021

Year: 2021

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the greatest global threats we are facing in today’s world. As recognised in Ireland’s first National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance, adopting a One Health approach is key to effectively tackling the problem of AMR. A comprehensive analysis of previous and ongoing research relating to the occurrence, risk, fate and transport of antimicrobial residues and AMR to and within the environment was completed.

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National Environmental Policies For the EPA State of Environment Report 2020

Authors: Tadhg Coakley and Eileen O’Leary, June 2021

Year: 2021

In the recently published EPA report, Ireland's Environment 2020 - An Assessment, the need for an overarching environmental policy for the country was identified. This report examines national environmental policies across a number of countries, as well as a review of other related policies at an EU and international level.

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Ex-Post Analysis of the Impact of National Landfill Policy for Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Waste Sector

Authors: Iulia Siedschlag, Weijie Yan and Stefano Meneto, March 2021

Year: 2021

This research examines the impact of Ireland’s landfill policy on greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector over the past three decades. The analysis focuses on direct methane emissions emanating from the municipal solid waste disposed to landfill sites in Ireland over the period 1990-2018.

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Environmental impacts (positive and negative) flowing from COVID-19 and related measures

Authors: Eileen O’Leary, Safaa Al Tameemi, Sarah Broderick and Colman McCarthy, August 2020

Year: 2020

This report presents the findings from a small-scale research study on the main environment-related impacts arising from the COVID-19 experience in Ireland, both positive and negative. While focused primarily on the environmental effects, related effects such as changes in consumption, which have knock-on environmental impacts are also included.

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Covid-19 and Sheer Wellbeing 2020 - Access to and Use of Blue/Green Spaces in Ireland during a Pandemic

Authors: Gesche Kindermann, Christine Domegan and Sinead Duane, August 2020

Year: 2020

This Small-Scale Study looked at the access to and use of blue/green spaces in Ireland during a Pandemic. This report builds upon and extends Our Environment, Our Health, Our Wellbeing: Access to Blue/Green Spaces and Water Quality in Ireland (2017-HW-MS-12).

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The Potential for Economic Reprocessing of Mine Waste in Ireland

Authors: Paul Gordon, Shane Lavery, June 2020

Year: 2020

This small scale study looked at the potential for economic reprocessing of mine waste in Ireland.

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Silvermines Wetland Substrate Reprocessing

Authors: Jamie Robinson, Paul Gordon, Shane Lavery, June 2020

Year: 2020

The purpose of the study was to establish, in principle, if the metals held in the substrate could be extracted as a resource.

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Research 252: Climate Resilient Ireland

Author: Tara Shine, June 2018

Year: 2018

This study defines a common understanding of what constitutes a climate resilient Ireland, it examines climate resilient pathways which Ireland can take to transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient society and meet its goals as set out in the Climate Act 2015. Finally, it identifies eight factors which should inform the choice of those pathways.

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Research 248: Assessment of Actions to Support the Work of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition

Author: Tara Shine, June 2018

Year: 2018

Ireland became a member of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) in 2013 to demonstrate commitment to climate and air pollution issues and to improve policy coherence between climate and air policy. This small-scale study, identifies ways in which Ireland can contribute to and benefit from its participation in the CCAC. The study pays particular attention to CCAC efforts to reduce Short-lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs).

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Research 246: Enabling Decarbonisation: A Study of Energy Sector Governance in Ireland

Author: Diarmuid Torney, June 2018

Year: 2018

Ireland has strict decarbonisation targets to meet by 2050. This study is concerned with which governance institutions could enable this transition to a low carbon economy and society. Through analysis of the roles and mandates of a number of governing state institutions in the energy sector, the study makes a number of recommendations for how governance arrangements could be strengthened to better facilitate decarbonisation.

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EPA Research 155: Public Engagement in Integrated Catchment Management

Mark Boyden, StreamScapes Aquatic & Biodiversity Education Project, November 2015

Year: 2015

This study provides an overview of practical examples of public engagement and makes recommendations in an effort to contribute to the quest to determine viable, practicable and effective engagement techniques to secure meaningful participation by the public in the attainment of essential aquatic and biodiversity goals.

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Small Scale Study: Guidance on the beneficial use of dredging material

Dr Joseph Harrington & Gary Smith, November 2013

Year: 2013

This report provides guidance on the beneficial use of dredge material in Ireland. It provides information on dredge material characterisation, best international practice in dredge material management, a summary of current practice in Ireland and guidance on the relevant governing legislation.

EPA Publication Cover

Small Scale Study: Classification of freshwater sponges in Ireland

Small Scale Study: Classification of freshwater sponges in Ireland, April 2013

Year: 2013

A recent small scale study was initiated by the EPA to classify taxonomically the sponge collection housed at the Environmental Protection Agency’s Regional Inspectorate in Kilkenny.

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Dumping at sea: site selection guidance note

This small scale study was prepared for the EPA by Aquafact International Services Ltd., January 2012

Year: 2012

A brief guidance note for site selection when dumping at sea.

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Hydraulic Fracturing or ‘Fracking’

A Short Summary of Current Knowledge and Potential Environmental Impacts, January 2012

Year: 2012

EPA-STRIVE Small Scale Study Report by David Healy, University of Aberdeen.