UGEE JRP - Tasks Status Update 22/12/2015

Summary: The UGEE Joint Research Programme is a comprehensive programme of research and there are many elements to it (some baseline analysis & desk –based literature reviews). Further details on the research programme are currently available on a dedicated website This document is an update on the status of the tasks of the UGEE JRP, as of 22/12/2015.

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2015

Pages: 9

Filesize: 244 KB

Format: pdf


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is coordinating a multi-agency trans-boundary programme of research on the potential Impacts on the environment and human health from Unconventional Gas Exploration & Extraction projects/ operations. This UGEE Joint Research Programme (JRP) is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Communications Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR) and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA). The UGEE JRP is managed by a steering committee comprising the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Environment, Community & Local Government; DCENR; the Geological Survey of Ireland; Commission for Energy Regulation; An Bord Pleanála; Northern Ireland Environment Agency, the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland and the Health Services Executive.

The research is being undertaken by a consortium of independent organisations comprising CDM Smith, British Geological Survey, University College Dublin, Ulster University, AMEC Foster Wheeler and Philip Lee Solicitors. The project began in August 2014.

The UGEE JRP has five main elements:

  • Baseline monitoring of surface waters, groundwaters and related ecosystems;
  • Baseline monitoring of seismic activity;
  • Baseline monitoring of air quality;
  • International operational practice and impact mitigation measures; and
  • Regulatory regimes for fracking in different countries

This is a comprehensive programme of research and there are many elements to it (some baseline analysis & desk –based literature reviews). This document is an update on the status of the tasks of the UGEE JRP, as of 22/12/2015. Further details on the research programme are currently available on a dedicated website