A Nationwide Review of Pay-By-Use Domestic Waste Collection Charges (PBU) in Ireland: Extensive Survey Findings

Interim Report for the ERTDI-funded project 2005-WRM-MS-33, by A. O'Callaghan-Platt & A. Davies

Summary: Interim Report for the ERTDI-funded project 2005-WRM-MS-33, by A. O'Callaghan-Platt & A. Davies

Published: 2007

ISBN: 1-84095-235-0

Pages: 93

Filesize: 1,096 KB

Format: pdf


This study reports on the findings of the first phase of a two-part project examining pay-by-use (PBU) charging systems in Ireland conducted between May and September 2006. The second in-depth case study phase will be completed in April 2008. The aim of this first phase was to investigate the implementation of PBU domestic waste charges in Ireland in order to discern their impact on domestic waste management activities such as waste presentation, waste recycling and illegal waste diversion.

The nationwide review was conducted by collating figures on waste management behaviour and data on PBU charges for each of the 34 local authorities in Ireland. Information was collected using telephone and e-mail surveys, postal questionnaires (in association with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DoEHLG)) and data gathered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of the National Waste Database. The data were then analysed using SPSS, a computer-based statistical package that allows for analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data. SPSS was used to analyse data across local authorities in order to determine overall findings and trends on a nationwide scale. Each local authority was then analysed to determine the effects of PBU charges and any associated infrastructure on waste  anagement behaviour on a case by case basis.