Alien Invasive Species in Irish Water Bodies

Synthesis Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2007-W-MS-2-S1

Summary: STRIVE Report 83 - Caitriona Maguire, Kevin Gallagher, Christine Maggs

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2011

ISBN: 978-1-84095-424-1

Pages: 31

Filesize: 2,529 KB

Format: pdf


As part of the STRIVE Programme 2007–2013, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) commissioned this project (‘Alien Invasive Species in Irish Water Bodies’) with the aims of improving knowledge on the nature and extent of IAS and their impact on natural ecosystems; developing up-to-date national distribution maps showing the location of aquatic IAS in Ireland; and developing and trialling control measures in the context of river basin management (RBM). This project has contributed to meeting these aims through a multidisciplinary, inter-institutional study, combining research, policy analysis and geographical information system (GIS) database development.

Also available for download:

Print-Quality Version (i.e. high resolution PDF) of  STRIVE Report 83 Final Report.