EPA leaflet highlighting Irish involvement with European Joint Programming Initative on 'Water – Challenges for a Changing World'
Summary: EPA leaflet highlighting Irish involvement with European Joint Programming Initative on 'Water – Challenges for a Changing World'
Water is a critical resource for the European society. Beside its main life function, freshwater also provides many other functions essential to our economy such as transport, energy provision, heat exchange, cleaning, washing, and constitutes a necessary raw material for many industries. Water availability in sufficient quantities and adequate quality is an issue of highest priority and
represents a pan-European and global societal challenge.
Water challenges cannot be successfully tackled through the isolated effort of individual national research and innovation programmes. A significant share (more than 70%) of public spending in water research and technology development
is programmed, executed and evaluated at national level.
This project aims at developing a coordinated and strategic approach to public national and regional research and innovation funding in Europe. The project runs from January 2013 to December 2015 and involves 17 institutions in 14 partner countries.
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