On-site wastewater treatment: investigation of rapid percolating subsoils, reed beds and effluent distribution

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2005-MS-15

Summary: STRIVE Report 28 - Laurence Gill et al.

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2009

ISBN: 978-1-84095-311-4

Pages: 32

Filesize: 1,219 KB

Format: pdf


The safe disposal of on-site wastewater is essential for the protection of both groundwater and surface water resources in Ireland. This project reports the results from field trials carried out on three separate sites investigating the attenuation of chemical and microbiological pollutants in domestic wastewater through relatively fast percolating subsoil and also through reed bed treatment systems. In addition, the distribution performance of several different devices designed to split the on-site effluent evenly across the percolation areas was evaluated.

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