Summary of Findings -A Review of Groundwater Levels in the South-East of Ireland

Summary of Findings - ERC Report 17

Summary: Summary of Findings - ERC Report 17

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2011

Pages: 2

Filesize: 358 KB

Format: pdf


Analysis of groundwater level records from Ireland’s South Eastern River Basin District (SERBD) allowed fundamental information about the nature of bedrock and gravel aquifers to be investigated.  Analysis of seasonal groundwater levels showed that the fractured bedrock aquifers recharge more quickly and typically have a longer recession period than gravel aquifers.  The calculated recession periods for bedrock aquifers are longer than previous estimates for similar aquifers.  Hydrograph analysis identified a number of notable phenomena including: a gravel aquifer’s interaction with surface water and evidence of rejected recharge.  Short term groundwater level fluctuations caused by global seismic events, recorded via chart recorders, are discussed.  Specific yield values were calculated, for a number of settings, from annual average groundwater level variations.  The values supported estimates from previous research on similar aquifers.  An analysis to investigate if any impacts of climate change were evident showed no consistent change in the timing of groundwater level minima or maxima. 

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 ERC  Report 17: A review of groundwater levels in the South West of Ireland

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 ERC  Report 17: A review of groundwater levels in the South West of Ireland