Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2002-W-MS-16
Summary: STRIVE Report 6 - Bruce Misstear and Les Brown
The aim of the project was to develop a quantified link between groundwater vulnerability and recharge. Based on a review of previous work on this topic, it was recognised that the most important linkage to investigate was that between subsoil permeability and recharge, since subsoil permeability has the greatest influence over the recharge coefficient. Other influences on the recharge coefficient include subsoil thickness, soil type and the ability of the aquifer to accept the available recharge.
Four areas were selected for detailed study, representing different subsoil permeability and aquifer types:
Regarding aquifer category, the focus of the project was on regionally important aquifers. Given the relatively short project time frame, the case studies relied mainly on existing hydrological and hydrogeological records, augmented by supplementary data collection, including samples for chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) analyses (Curragh, Galmoy and Knockatallon) and installation of automatic groundwater monitoring loggers (Knockatallon).
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