Water Quality and the Aquatic Environment

An Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystem Responses to Measures Aimed at Improving Water Quality in the Irish Ecoregion

Summary: STRIVE Report 91 - David Taylor, Yvonne McElarney, Sheila Greene, Chris Barry, Bob Foy, Phil Jordan

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2012

ISBN: 978-1-84095-445-6

Pages: 28

Filesize: 1,381 KB

Format: pdf


Anthropogenic eutrophication of rivers and lakes has become a major and persistent problem throughout the Irish Ecoregion. In response, measures aimed at reversing eutrophication and its effects have been implemented. These measures largely target the mitigation of inputs of phosphorus (P) and other nutrients. However, few studies have been carried out into the suitablity and effectiveness of these measures and the factors that potentially influence recovery of rivers and lakes following their implementation. Focusing on the Irish Ecoregion, the EFFECT project aimed both to better understand the role of environmental conditions in mediating the effectiveness of measures aimed at reducing P and other nutrient inputs, and to determine the effects on surface water quality (rivers, streams and lakes) of their implementation in different geographic settings. 

The high resolution print version synthesis report is available to download here.

The large technical report is available to download here.