GHG Emissions to 2020

The 2020 EU Effort Sharing target commits Ireland to reducing emissions from those sectors that are not covered by the Emissions Trading Scheme (agriculture, transport, residential, commercial, non-energy intensive industry and waste) to 20 per cent below 2005 levels by 2020.  The final inventory reviews for the years up to 2019 were completed in April 2021 following the submission of official data in March 2021 to the European Commission. For the period 2013 to 2019 Ireland currently has a cumulative 5.29 Mt CO2eq shortfall of annual emission allowances (AEAs), despite emissions being substantially below the annual allowance in the years 2013-2015.  Ireland’s annual limit for 2020 is 37.65 Mt CO2eq. Ireland’s final 2020 greenhouse gas ESD emissions are 44.38 Mt CO2eq, 6.75 Mt CO2eq more than the annual limit for 2020. This indicates that Ireland is not in compliance with its 2020 Effort Sharing Decision annual limit, the fifth year in a row exceeding the assigned allowances. Ireland’s final cumulative shortfall of allowances for the period 2013 to 2020 is 12.04 Mt CO2eq.

See further detail in the EPA report Ireland's Final Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990-2020.

Further information about Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions is available on our website.

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