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in: Waste
EDEN logo showing the transfer of data around a network

Environmental Data Exchange Network (EDEN)

EDEN is the EPA's online web portal for Local Authorities and licensees to communicate with the EPA on numerous applications.

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Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries

This page provides access to information to anyone who needs to find out about WEEE and batteries including why they are important and how they can be recycled. It also provides links to more detailed compliance guidance for producers, importers, distributors and retailers of EEE and batteries.

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Contaminated Land

The EPA’s publication associated reporting templates to provide assistance and information for individuals and organisations engaged in the management of contaminated land and groundwater at EPA licensed sites.

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Landfill Gate Fees

Landfill Gate Fees are the charges imposed by the operators of municipal landfills on waste accepted for disposal at their facilities.

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Biodegradable Municipal Waste (BMW)

Operators of each active landfill are required to report to the EPA, on a quarterly basis, the quantity of Municipal Solid Waste and BMW accepted at the landfill.

Icon of a factory producing energy

Extractive Industries Register

Local authorities establish and maintain a register of extractive industries. Regulation 19(2) requires the EPA to prescribe the form and manner in which such information shall be entered and maintained in the register.

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Details for battery producers on how to comply with the batteries regulations, the different types of batteries, compliance by joining a compliance scheme, self-compliance and reporting to the EPA.

Latest publications in Waste

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Waste Battery Management Report Template 2020

A comprehensive template to assist battery producers

This template is used by self-complying battery producers to prepare their annual waste battery management report in compliance with the European Union (Batteries and Accumulators) Regulations 2014 (S.I. No. 283 of 2014). It is a macro-enabled template and should be completed by validly registered self-complying battery producers.

Latest News and Press Releases

in: Waste
EPA has five easy steps for people to reduce food waste and save money

Date released: February 28, 2025

Saturday 1st March is National Stop Food Waste Day, and the EPA is calling on people to follow the simple tips in the Stop Food Waste Pocket Guide to help reduce food waste and save money.

EPA calls for urgent action to improve Ireland’s household and commercial waste segregation and recycling performance

Date released: September 21, 2023

The EPA has today published the latest National Municipal Waste Characterisation Project. The project results show very little change in Ireland’s household and commercial waste management practices since 2018.

EPA calls on food sector businesses to commit to reducing food waste by signing the Food Waste Charter

Date released: June 29, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today launched a new Food Waste Charter, calling on all businesses and State Agencies operating across the food supply chain to sign up and commit to reducing food waste.