EDEN: Environmental Data Exchange Network

EDEN is the EPA's online web portal for Local Authorities and licensees to communicate with the EPA on numerous applications which are listed below.

What is EDEN?

EDEN provides an online gateway to Environmental and Radiological Protection Licensing, Monitoring, GIS and Reporting applications for organisations to communicate with the EPA and share data with each other.

icon representing data exchange

Access the EDEN Portal

EDEN is a single sign-on technology to allow users to log on to multiple applications using a single username/password combination.

Note: Requests for new organisations are approved by the EPA, requests for organisation membership and application access are approved by organisation and application administrators.

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Contact us

Please email eden@epa.ie for all technical issues and queries regarding the EDEN system.

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View all FAQ's

in: EDEN

A list of FAQ's on how to register, administration activities and other queries on the EDEN portal.


FAO's on the EDEN portal

  • How do I report complaints through EDEN?

    Most licenses don't require reporting to the EPA of each complaint received directly at the facility, but instead require a summary of complaints to be included as part of general licence reporting (e.g. quarterly or annual reports (AER)).  So for this reason there is no facility for you to directly report a complaint through the Manage Complaints button in EDEN.

    If your licence specifically requires you to report these complaints or if your inspector has told you to do this, you can send complaints in under "Make a Return" button, Document Type "Site Update/Notification", Subtype "other".  You may need to check with your inspector to clarify the requirement.

  • Can I search/filter by date/year?

    Currently filtering and reporting functionality is limited in "Manage my Licence" on the EDEN portal. 

  • How do I update an existing incident notification (an incident that I have already logged on AM on EDEN)?

    It is important that updates to previously logged incident notifications are done by going back to the original incident notification record and not by creating a new incident record. To do this you should navigate to “Manage Incidents” on Licence page in AM, select the incident record that you want to update and click on “Edit Incident” icon. You will then be presented with a web form to amend or add details to the incident notification. If the particular piece of information that you want to update is not available to on the web form, please use the notes section to enter the details of the update. Files can also be uploaded as part of the incident update.

  • How do I reply to a Request for Information (RFI)?

    RFIs must be replied to by navigating to the original Licensee Return or Complaint record in AM on EDEN. This can be done by going to the “Manage my Licensee Returns” or “Manage Complaints” tab on the licence page in AM opening the relevant record and clicking on the RFI. Alternatively you can go directly to the RFI in the “My Notifications” tab on AM. Replies to RFIs will not be accepted as Licensee Returns.

  • I want to submit a quarterly monitoring report. Do I have to break it down into separate Returns by emission receptor (eg air, water, sewer etc)?

    Yes, monitoring reports need to be broken out into their constituent sections and submitted individually as Licensee Returns. A summary of each set of results reported should be given as part of the return. Failure to do this will result in the Returns being rejected by the EPA.