A submission is written comments/observations on a permit application and should relate to the permit application itself.
A submission may be made in writing either by email to licensing@epa.ie or by post to the EPA.
Anyone (including the applicant) can make a submission on a permit application to the EPA.
Submissions on a permit application can be made:
Where the EPA has determined that an Appropriate Assessment is required, submissions or observations on Appropriate Assessment concerning a permit application can be made in writing to the Agency. Such submissions may be made for at least 30 days after publication of the following information on the Agency’s website:
It is important to lodge your submission as early as possible as late submissions cannot be considered. All submissions received by the EPA are acknowledged in writing.
Anyone who makes a valid submission is issued with a copy of the Proposed and Final Decisions.
For further information contact our Water, Energy and Business Support Team at:
Office of Environmental Sustainability
PO Box 3000
Johnstown Castle Estate
Co Wexford
Tel: 053 9160600
Email licensing@epa.ie