How to request an oral hearing?

Anyone who makes a valid objection can request an oral hearing.  A request for an oral hearing must include the €126 fee and be received within the one-month objection period. This period commences on the date of notification of the EPA’s Proposed Decision.

The EPA has absolute discretion to hold an oral hearing, whether or not a request has been made.


While there are no specific statutory criteria governing the decision to hold an oral hearing, the matters that would influence us include:

  • New issues not previously raised that are specific to the location of the development
  • The sensitivity of the location or local environment
  • Whether or not the matter is of national or regional importance
  • The scale and complexity of the development
  • Significant new information


Learn more

Download Aspects of Licensing Procedures: Objections and Oral Hearings to learn more about oral hearings.

For further information, contact our Environmental Licensing Programme at:

Office of Environmental Sustainability
PO Box 3000
Johnstown Castle Estate
Co Wexford

Tel: 053 91 60600

Lo-call: 0818 33 55 99