In Ireland, OSPAR and London Convention requirements are implemented via the Dumping at Sea (DAS) Act 1996 as amended.
A DAS permit is required for disposal of dredged material and inert material of natural origin (in the absence of suitable alternative reuse and disposal methods).
Dumping of vessels, aircraft, sewage sludge, animal carcasses/parts/products and industrial fish waste is not permitted.
Until 2010, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food was responsible for issuing DAS permit and Foreshore Licences.
Applications were assessed by the Marine Licensing Vetting Committee.
Foreshore and Dumping at Sea (Amendment) Act, 2009
From 15 December 2009, the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government was given responsible for the majority of foreshore functions. These functions now reside within the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine retains responsibility for foreshore functions relating to fishery harbour centres, aquaculture and sea-fishing.
From 15 February 2010, the EPA became responsible for DAS permits.