Field trial to test GM potatoes 2012

GMO Register No: G0469-01

Reference No: B/IE/12/01


On 25 July 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted consent to Teagasc to carry out a field trial with genetically modified (GM) blight resistant potatoes at Oak Park, Co Carlow over a four year period from 2012 to 2016 inclusive, subject to conditions.

Relevant Documentation

Consent for Notification No. B/IE/12/01  (G0469-01 Decision)

Inspector's Report and Addenda

Valid Representations

Draft Consent Conditions

Board Minute

GMO Register

The proposed trial to test GM potatoes has been assigned GMO Register No G0469-01. The Register provides significant details about the trial. The relevant entries will be updated as details become available.


Any person or organisation proposing to carry out a deliberate release of a genetically modified organism (GMO) for purposes other than placing on the market (performance of field trials) must comply with the legislative requirements set out under Part II of the GMO (Deliberate Release) Regulations S.I. No 500 of 2003.

End-of-year Reports

Condition 5.8 of the Consent Conditions requires Teagasc to submit a report to the Agency each year up to 2020.  The report is to include information on results of monitoring activities, and shall provide details of the number of volunteers (groundkeepers) recorded and how they were dealt with.  The end-of-year reports to date can be found below:

End-of year 2012

End-of year 2013

End-of-year 2014

End of year 2015

End of year 2017

End of year 2018

Final Report

Condition 5.9 of the consent conditions issued in respect of B/IE/12/01 (G0469-01) requires Teagasc to submit a report to the Agency in the format set out under Commission Decision 2003/701/EC on or before 23rd December 2016.  This report is to include:

  • The results of the deliberate release; and,
  • A post release evaluation of the risks to human health and the environment.

Final Report under Commmission Decision 2003/701/EC