EPA Research Project Highlights Videos 2022
Research 426: Packaging Waste Statistics, Producer Motivations and Consumer Behaviour
Research 425: Connecting People to Climate Change Action: Informing Participatory Frameworks for the National Dialogue on Climate Action (C-CHANGE)
Research 424: ESDecide: From Ecosystem Services Framework to Application for Integrated Freshwater Resources Management
Research 421: Assessment of the Extent and Impact of Barriers on Freshwater Hydromorphology and Connectivity in Ireland (Reconnect)
Research 419: Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation into Irish Emergency Planning 
Research 418: Built Environment Climate Resilience and Adaptation
Research 417: Assessment of the Environmental and Health Impacts Arising from Mercury-free Dental Restorative Materials
Research 416: Development and Application of Monte Carlo Models for High-purity Germanium Gamma Spectrometry
Research 415: A Roadmap for Local Deliberative Engagements on Transitions to Net Zero Carbon and Climate Resilience
Research 414: Managing Invasive Alien Plants in Ireland
Research 412: Emissions from and Fuel Consumption Associated with Off-road Vehicles and Other Machinery
Research 411: Innovative Valorisation of Dairy Processing Wastewater Using a Circular Economy Approach (Newtrients)
Research 410: Food Loss and Waste from Farming, Fishing and Aquaculture in Ireland
Research 409: Co-designing for Resilience in Rural Development through Peer-to-peer Learning Networks and STEAM Place-based Learning Interventions
Research 408: Sustainable Production and Consumption: The Influence of Social Norms
Research 407: Residential Solid Fuel Use in Ireland and the Transition Away from Solid Fuels
Research 405: Qualifying and Quantifying the Reuse Sector in Ireland
Research 404: PhenoClimate: Impact of Climate Change on Phenology in Ireland
Research 401: Peatland Properties Influencing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removal
EPA Research Project Highlights Videos 2021
Research 397: Framework for Achieving the Environmental Sustainable Development Goals
Research 396: Catchment Models and Management Tools for Diffuse Contaminants (Sediment, Phosphorus and Pesticides): DiffuseTools Project
Research 395: Cumulative Health Effects of Metal(loids) through Aggregate Environmental Pathways
Research 394: Identifying Interactions for Sustainable Development Goal Implementation in Ireland
Research 393: Estimating the Quantity of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) Exported from Ireland As Used EEE
Research 391: Tiering of Environmental Assessment – The Influence of Strategic Environmental Assessment on Project-level Environmental Impact Assessment
Research 388: Circular Economy Opportunities – Raw Materials Ireland Project
Research 387: GRACE Monitoring of Groundwater over Ireland – A Feasibility Study
Research 386: The Status of Ireland’s Climate, 2020
Research 382: Transitioning to Strategic Noise Mapping under CNOSSOS-EU (Noise-Adapt)
Research 380: Innovative Water Monitoring
Research 379: Policy Coherence in Adaptation Studies: Selecting and Using Indicators of Climate Resilience
Research 378: Towards the Quantification of Blanket Bog Ecosystem Services to Water
Research 377: Impacts of Microplastics in the Irish Freshwater Environment
Research 375: Development of Quality Standards for Compost and Digestate in Ireland
Research 374: Piloting Innovative Approaches in Sustainable Communities towards Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Ireland
Research 373: Using an Experimental Governance Lens to Examine Governance of the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018–2021
Research 372: Using the OECD Water Governance Indicator Framework to Review the Implementation of the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018–2021
Research 371: Climate Change and Land Use in Ireland
Research 369: CIViC: Critical Infastructure Vulnerability to Climate Change
Research 368: Prevention, Control and Eradication of Invasive Alien Species
Research 367: Particulate Matter from Diesel Vehicles: Emissions and Exposure
Research 366: An Investigation into WEEE Arising and Not Arising in Ireland (EEE2WEEE)
Research 365: Developing Ireland’s Greenhouse Gas and Transboundary Air Pollution Monitoring Network
Research 364: Learning from Group Water Schemes: Community Infrastructures for Sustainable Development
Research 362: Evaluating Ireland’s Climate Policy Performance


EPA Research Project Highlights Videos 2020
Research 360: Methodologies for Financing and Costing of Climate Impacts and Future Adaptation Actions: Transport Networks in Ireland
Research 359: Modelling Irish Transitional and Coastal Systems to Determine Nutrient Reduction Measures to Achieve Good Status
Research 358: Research on the Environment, Health, Consumer Behaviour and the Economy: ESRI Environment Research Programme 2018–2020
Research 357: Ireland’s Atmospheric Composition and Climate Change Network
Research 355: Sensing Our World: How Digital Cultural Practices Can Contribute to Changing Social Norms Around Consumption
Research 354: IE-NETs: Investigating the Potential for Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) in Ireland
Research 353: Investigation into the Causes, Impacts and Measures to Deal with Algal Blooms in Vartry Reservoir
Research 352: Synthesis of Literature and Preliminary Modelling Relevant to Society-wide Scenarios for Effective Climate Change Mitigation in Ireland
Research 351: Identifying “What Matters” for Community Wellbeing with the Irish Public Participation Networks
Research 350: Towards a Definitive Historical High-resolution Climate Dataset for Ireland – Promoting Climate Research in Ireland
Research 348: Nature and Environment to Attain and Restore Health (NEAR Health)
Research 347: Assessment of the Impact of Ammonia Emissions from Intensive Agriculture Installations on Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas
Research 346: National Risk Assessment of Impacts of Climate Change: Bridging the Gap to Adaptation Action
Research 345: Furthering Understanding of Emissions from Landfilled Waste Containing POPBFRs and PFASs (FUEL)
Research 344: Citizens’ Views of Climate Action in Ireland: Insights on Media Use, Trusted Sources and Perceptions
Research 343: Elucidating Levels and Pathways of Human Exposure in Ireland to Brominated Flame Retardants and Perfluoroalkyl Substances
Research 341: Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data from Open Lakes
Research 339: High-resolution Climate Projections for Ireland – A Multi-model Ensemble Approach
Research 338: Greening Transport: Final Report
Research 336: Charting Ireland’s Sustainable Future: Innovative Approaches towards Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for Enterprises
Research 333: TriREUSE – Trialling the Preparation for Reuse of Consumer Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones
Research 332: An Investigation of the Optimum Specification for Soil Depressurisation Systems (Active and Passive) That Take Account of Irish Building Practices
Research 331: IMPLiCItIMProving inversion modeL Capability in Ireland
Research 328: Eco-Health: Ecosystem Benefits of Greenspace for Health
Research 324: Emission Factors from Domestic-scale Solid-fuel Appliances (EFDOSOF)
Research 322: Irish Natural Capital Accounting for Sustainable Environments: Stage 1 Feasibility Report
Research 320: Assessing Vulnerability to Climate Change: An Approach Illustrated through the EPA-funded project Large Urban Scale Adaptation (Urb-ADAPT)
Research 318: Source Apportionment of Particulate Matter in Urban and Rural Residential Areas of Ireland (SAPPHIRE)