The RPAC is the EPA’s Radiological Protection Advisory Committee. This is a committee appointed by the EPA to provide it with advice on the Agency’s radiological protection functions, with particular emphasis on public health matters. Its remit is strictly focused on EPA functions and the EPA may seek advice on any radiological topic from the Committee. Since its establishment the Committee has advised on a range of matters, including but not limited to: the implementation of radiological protection legislation including occupational protection of workers in industry and medicine; training and education requirements; emergency preparedness and radon.
In Ireland the preparation for any major emergency including nuclear emergencies is dealt under the National Strategic Emergency Management framework with the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications being the Lead Government Department in the event of a nuclear or radiological emergency abroad.
The Radiological Protection Advisory Committee (RPAC) is made up of eighteen members nominated by organisations with expertise relevant to the radiological protection functions of the EPA. The term of office of the Committee is three years. The term of office for the third Radiological Protection Advisory Committee commenced in July 2023.
Dr Tom Ryan, Director of the Office of Radiation Protection and Environmental Monitoring.
Approved minutes of all meetings of the The Radiological Protection Advisory Committee to the EPA Board.